Gulfstream Park February 28, 2016
Jockeys and Jeans Sets Event Record for Donations to the Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund.
Over 200 attended the Jockeys and Jeans PDJF fundraiser at Gulfstream Park on Sunday, Feb 28. Among them were 12 Hall of Fame jockeys, five severely injured jockeys as honored guests, and such dignitaries as Will Farish, former Ambassador to England and founder of Lane’s End Farm, and Academy Award winner Robert Duvall, a friend of attendee Kathy Kusner, a famed equestrian rider and the first female licensed as a North American jockey.
The event’s live auction, handled by Fasig-Tipton auctioneers, featured three stallion seasons donated by Lane’s End and syndicate owners of stallions based at the famous farm, as well as one season from Claiborne Farm. Another 15 donated stallions seasons were sold at auction on popular site, Starquine.
“While final numbers are still being tallied, I believe it’s safe to say total revenues will top the record $204,000 raised by Jockeys and Jeans at last year’s event at Indiana Grand Racing & Casino,” said PDJF Director, Nancy LaSala. In three years, Jockeys and Jeans has raised over $437,000 for the organization, with the last two events the most raised at events to benefit PDJF.
Jockeys and Jeans president and former jockey, Barry Pearl, announced at the event that the fourth edition will be held at Parx Casino & Racing near Philadelphia in the spring of 2017.
“I always thought of racing as an extended family,” said Pearl. “And once again they proved to the world they care about the sport’s severely injured jockeys by honoring their accomplishments in rebuilding their lives and providing sorely needed financial assistance. We thank everyone on every level who made a decision to give to those who gave so much to racing.”
The PDJF supports some 60 riders who suffered, on track, career-ending injuries, including about half who are either pari or quadriplegic. Jockeys and Jeans was founded by a group of former jockeys in 2014.