Ron Turcotte

Laffit Pincay, Jr.

Chris McCarron

Mike Smith

Jorge Velasques

Tony Black

Jockeys and Jeans Ambassadors
What are Jockeys and Jeans Ambassador’s?
Jockeys and Jeans Ambassadors are current and former Jockeys who have played a significant role in the betterment of the industry and advocates for their fellow riders. Our Ambassadors are the first to step up to the plate to help those individuates who have not been as fortunate as they were. Each Ambassador is well respected and a roll model for inexperienced young riders, and will always lend a helping hand. We at Jockeys and Jeans are proud to have these outstanding citizens represent us to the racing community and the world.
What are the role of a Jockeys and Jeans Ambassador?
Jockeys and Jeans Ambassadors represent Jockey and Jeans to racing management, owners and trainers and other jockeys. They are our good will ambassadors and help us in many areas such as; discussions with racing management which will help us secure new and exciting places to hold our event. They will help with securing other outstanding jockeys and our brothers and sisters who have suffered career ending injuries to come and be guest at our events. And last but not least they will help us if possible with our fund raising efforts.
The committee of Jockeys and Jeans believe this position is one of the most important roles in our organization and we take it very seriously. Thank you to our current ambassadors and we welcome our future ambassadors.
Barry, Pearl, Eddie Donnally, Founding members Jockeys and Jeans
Edgar Prado

Joe Bravo

Javier Castellano

Armando Rivera

Arnold Iliescu

Tyler Gafflilone

Tad Leggett

Brian Elmore

Joe Morris

Pat Day